Why Should I Visit Tangiers?

Tangiers in Morocco is one of the increasingly popular tourist destinations in recent times. This hidden gem of a city is one that truly has a way of making anyone relax. In fact, for a unique and relaxing vacation in 2023, Tangiers is one of the top recommended destinations. Here are two major reasons why:

It is a City for Everyone

There is a certain diversity in Tangiers that is difficult to find anywhere else. This might be because it rests at the very edge of the continent and is just about 9 miles away from the Spanish coast. It has a few Spanish, some French, and a lot of Arabic structures. For a lot of people, it is a home away from home. 

Tangier Medina

The medina is “where everyone is’. Streets filled with cafes, makeshift stores, terraces, and all kinds of merchants make up the medina. Although not as epic or popular as the labyrinths in Marrakesh, Tangier’s medina has its unique features. For one, the chances of you getting lost are considerably reduced (even without a guide). In a few days, it will become easy to navigate this intriguing souvenir lane. 

The beautiful coastline view and relaxing Mediterranean lifestyle make Tangiers a perfect vacation destination. …